Shipping Policy
Modway is proud to offer drop shipping on every order, no matter how big or small. We use Fedex ground for most orders and provide tracking numbers as soon as your purchase leaves the warehouse. For larger items and bulk orders, we use professional LTL freight carriers to ensure your big delivery arrives on a day of your choosing.
- Drop shipping (FedEx ground) or Threshold (LTL freight delivery) shipping to all 48 continental U.S. States.
- Orders ship within 1-3 business days
- Tracking numbers provided with up to date shipment information

Shipping Policy
- All LTL deliveries are THRESHOLD, meaning that the LTL freight carrier will deliver to the front enterance of your house/building.
- Freight company will make every effort to call and schedule the delivery in advance.
- Orders that customers request be held at the freight company's facility due to prolonged unavailability may be subject to storage charges.
- Please call to see if your order qualifies for White Glove Delivery
Fleet Saftey
Modway Home Delivery recognizes that our employees are our most valuable assets and the most important contributors to our continued growth and success. Our company is committed to reducing workplace accidents and providing a safe working environment for all employees. We value our workers not only as employees but also as human beings who are crucial to the success of their families, the local community, and our company.
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of work-related fatalities. The environment in which these accidents occur involves numerous complex factors, many of which are uncontrollable. The purpose of Modway Home Delivery’s Fleet Safety program is to eliminate unnecessary injuries and fatal circumstances by reducing those factors that we can control.
To further this goal, our Company has developed a Fleet Safety Policy effective 07/19/21. The Program will consist of nine components: Recruitment, Job Requirements, Pre-Employment DOT Drug testing, Training, Preventive Maintenance, Accident Investigation and Company Vehicles for Personal Use. This policy applies to all candidates for CDL employment as well as all current CDL employees.
Modway Home Delivery focuses its initial efforts on driver selection through a variety of resources, beginning with the job application. The application will require a prospective employee to provide and satisfy the following requirements:
- Driver’s employment application
- State motor vehicle record (MVR) at time of hireication of past employment
- Road test certification
- Medical exam and certificate of exam
- Annual MVR
- Annual list of violations
- List references.
Driver selection will be made upon completion of a formal interview, background check, reference verification, review of the individual’s motor vehicle record (MVR) and a negative drug screen. Authorizations will be obtained to contact prior employers and personal references.
MVRs will be requested upon completion of a satisfactory interview and periodically thereafter at a minimum of at least once per year. Management reserves the right to use its discretion in determining an unsatisfactory MVR. An excessive number of violations in the past three years will be grounds for an unsatisfactory MVR prohibiting hiring of a prospective employee or possible termination and/or disciplinary actions of an active employee.
Drug/Alcohol Testing:
Initial and periodic random/reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing is mandatory. Testing will be conducted by a licensed medical facility designated by Modway Home Delivery. Any positive results will be grounds for termination. Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other illegal substances will be grounds for termination.
Job Requirements:
All positions requiring regular driving require a written job description to include main duties, functions and the necessary physical requirements required to perform all associated tasks:
- All prospective employees will be required to undergo a physical evaluation.
- If required, candidates must pass a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical evaluation.
- Results of the physical evaluation will be compared to the necessary physical requirements.
- In some cases, Commercial Drivers Licenses are required per regulatory agencies.
As part of the recruitment process, prospective employees may be required to complete a road test. Active employees will participate in periodic road tests for training purposes. Tests will be conducted by Human Resources and/or management and will cover a variety of driving criteria. The road test will require prospective and active employees to safely and competently complete tasks associated in the following categories:
- Pre-trip Inspection
- General Vehicle Operation
- Backing and parking
- Turning
- Passing
- Railroad crossing
Results of the road test will be shared with prospective and active employees at management’s discretion.
New-hire and periodic training is required. All employees are expected and required to actively participate identifying training needs as well as program development. Programs will consist of classroom and on-the-road modules. Training will focus on but will not be limited to defensive driving techniques and behavior modification.
Modway Home Delivery will monitor driver habits to identify potentially unsafe driving habits that require additional training and/or disciplinary actions. We will use ride-along training combined with statistical data focusing on accident types and frequency to identify areas of improvement. accidents or moving violations in a one calendar year period will require review with a supervisor to determine what, if any, disciplinary action is needed and to identify possible training opportunities. Employment may be jeopardized if accident frequency is above the required norm with no concentrated efforts being made for improvement.
Requesting and Retrieving a Vehicle:
As much in advance in possible, and no later than 10 days before the pick-up date, employees must complete a vehicle request form with reason for vehicle use, places traveling, time of pick-up and drop-off, and supervisor’s signature, and return it to Gustavo Boza. Vehicle pick-up and drop-off times should be estimated as accurately as possible to allow for proper accommodation of other employees.
On the scheduled date and time of pick-up or drop-off, employees should respect the time the vehicle has been reserved and give ample notice should that time change.
Basic Vehicle Operation Guidelines:
Employees are expected to treat company vehicles with an appropriate level of respect and care, demonstrating an attitude of loyalty and pride to the company. The following are basic vehicle operation principles to which employees are required to adhere:
- Always use seat belts.
- Drive defensively. Always anticipate what other drivers on the road might do wrong and plan your mode of escape. Never move through traffic aggressively.
- Respect speed limits and traffic signs. Follow all traffic signals.
- Always lock the vehicle and apply the parking brake when getting out, even if it remains in sight.
- During long trips, take breaks every four hours. Never drive more than 10 hours during a 24-hour period.
- Avoid driving past midnight.
- Avoid driving in dangerous conditions, including drowsiness and inclement weather.
- Remove any trash or personal items before returning the vehicle to Modway Home Delivery.
Traffic Violations:
Modway Home Delivery is not responsible for any moving violations/tickets acquired by violation of city ordinance, state or federal laws regarding your driving habits and operation of your motor vehicle. Any moving violation/ticket issued is the employee’s responsibility, even if the ticket is issued while conducting business for Modway Home Delivery.
Refueling Guidelines
Vehicles should be refueled when the meter reads ¼ full. Retain receipts proving the purchase of gasoline and record mileage with each gasoline purchase. For your safety when operating a vehicle, follow these guidelines:
- Turn off the vehicle’s engine while refueling.
- Never smoke, light matches or use lighters while refueling.
- Do not get into the vehicle during refueling, as this presents a flash fire hazard.
- Do not overfill or top off the vehicle’s fuel tank. The fuel dispenser shuts off automatically when the tank is full.
- Never force the hold-open latch on the gasoline pump with any means other than the latch provided.
Distracted Driving
Modway Home Delivery is committed to employee safety and for this reason has installed Bluetooth technology in all vehicles which eliminates the need to use of handheld devices. For this reason, Modway Home Delivery. firmly prohibits all behaviors that may distract employees while they are operating a company vehicle. General guidelines for behavior while driving are as follows:
- Handheld use of cell phones while driving is strictly prohibited: This includes all functions of the cell phone including, but not limited to text messaging/SMS, email, MMS, Internet use and camera use.
- Use of electronic devices (including laptops, PDAs, cameras, and pagers): While driving is strictly prohibited unless specifically outlined below.
- Voicemail should handle all calls while driving, and calls should only be returned when utilizing hands free Bluetooth technology, stopped, or pulled off the road.
- Passengers making or taking calls for the driver is permissible provided the interaction does not affect the driver’s performance.
- Regular callers must be informed that you will not be available while driving and should be notified of the best times to call based on driving schedule.
- Employees who receive calls from co-workers who are driving are obligated to ask that the co-worker call back at a more appropriate time.
Headset/Hands-free Use
Modway Home Delivery prohibits the use of hand-held mobile devices while driving. Using a hand-held mobile device means using at least one hand to hold the mobile device, dialing a mobile device by pressing more than a single button or reaching for a mobile device in a manner that requires the driver to maneuver so they are no longer in a seated driving position, restrained by a seat belt. However, the use of headsets or hands-free devices while driving is permissible if:
- The device is preapproved by the company for use.
- Use of the device does not cause distraction (for example, fiddling with the device or taking eyes off the road to get it to function properly).
- Any dialing or use of the handset requires a single button.
- Any dialing or use of the handset is handled while stopped or pulled to the side of the road.
- Conversations do not interfere with the driver’s ability to drive safely.
- Road conditions are generally good and do not threaten the driver’s safety.
Emergency Calls
The only exception to the cell phone use guideline is calls placed to 911. If placing or accepting an emergency call, it should be kept short with a hands-free option if available. The vehicle should be pulled over if possible.
GPS Systems
Modway Home Delivery understands that sometimes, especially when traveling in unfamiliar areas, drivers require assistance with directions. GPS systems are extremely helpful devices, but they can also be distracting if used improperly. Employees must adhere to the following:
- Mounted GPS systems may not block or obstruct the driver’s view in any way.
- GPS systems must be voice narrated and must not require that the driver look away from the road to follow instructions.
- Employees may not program the system while in motion.
- Programming or otherwise engaging with the GPS screen may only occur while stopped or while pulled off the road.
Audio Devices
In some cases, worrying about music selection or touching dials and buttons on the radio or audio device may be just as dangerous as cell phone use. It takes eyes and concentration off the road, which is not permissible under Modway Home Delivery’s policy. Modway Home Delivery, allows employee use of personal, portable audio devices, because we do not want to eliminate employees’ ability to enjoy music while behind the wheel. However, employees must follow these guidelines:
- Employees may not take eyes off the road to adjust music settings.
- Programming music settings while stopped, pulled off the road or before departing is permissible behavior.
- Employees may not under any circumstances use MP3 players or other handheld electronic audio devices with headphones. Not only is it illegal in most states, it also impedes the driver’s ability to properly hear warning signs, signals or sirens.
Preventive Maintenance:
To maintain the safety and integrity of the vehicle, Modway Home Delivery will provide the necessary resources to ensure all vehicles are operating properly. All routine motor vehicle maintenance will be done according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Critical components that must always be controlled, maintained and promptly repaired are brakes, tires, suspension, steering, lights, mirrors, windows, and windshield wipers.
Pre-trip Inspections
Employees are required to conduct daily pre-trip vehicle inspections. Any unsatisfactory result requires a Fleet Hazard Identification form to be completed and forwarded to an employee’s immediate supervisor. Thereafter, the identification form will be forwarded to the maintenance department to confirm the equipment malfunction, complete repairs, and sign off on the completed identification form.
Placing a Vehicle Out of Service
The fleet administrator must conduct thorough post-trip vehicle inspections to ensure the vehicle’s safety for its next driver. When a defect in the vehicle is found that qualifies it as unfit, unreliable, or unsafe for ordinary use, the fleet administrator must immediately take the vehicle out of service and fill out the Fleet Hazard Identification Form indicating the nature of the defect. The form should be forwarded to the maintenance department to confirm the defect and repair it if possible.
Vehicle Inventory
Gustavo Boza will be responsible for maintaining a database of each vehicle’s make, model, department, VIN number and license plate number. Gustavo Boza will also manage and update a log for each vehicle including its location at any given time and the person who is driving it. The administrator will also take inventory of any minor defects or needed repairs, and schedule needed maintenance work as appropriate.
Accident Investigation Procedures:
Modway Home Delivery realizes some accidents are unpreventable. Drivers should seek medical attention immediately, if necessary. Supervisors and drivers will be trained in post-accident procedures to secure the details of the accident and document the damage. Providing detailed facts of the accident will help our insurance carrier deter fraudulent third-party insurance schemes.
All vehicles will be supplied with an accident claims kit, a pen and a disposable camera.
Drivers are required to document all details of the accident: traffic flow, speed limits, stop lights/signs, weather conditions, citations issued and all other relevant information. Pictures should be taken to document the extent of damage to all vehicles involved.
Once this information is secured, the driver is to report all accidents immediately to the dispatcher and/or supervisor. If the vehicle is inoperable, arrangements need to be made for towing and delivery of cargo, if necessary. Hazmat operations, containment and cleanup will be coordinated by dispatcher, supervisor and/or driver.
Company Vehicles for Personal Use
Personal use of company vehicles is prohibited without prior permission from management. If permission is granted, the employee assigned to the vehicle will be the only driver allowed to operate the vehicle. In all other cases, use of the company vehicle is limited to travel to and from work and work-related events. Any errand or travel that is not directly work related is considered personal travel. The vehicle is not to be used for personal or entertainment purposes. Employees are expected to use their discretion.
Prohibited Behavior
Use of company vehicles is a privilege. Behaviors that result in suspension or permanent loss of driving privileges include the following:
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Use of Electronic Handheld Device
- Negligent homicide
- Operating a vehicle with a suspended license
- Using a motor vehicle for commission of a felony
- Aggravated assault with a motor vehicle
- Reckless driving
- Hit and run
- 2 convictions for moving violations
- Use of a company vehicle without authorization
- Three or more major traffic violations
- More than two preventable accidents involving personal injury or property damage in any three-year period
Specialty Vehicles
Golf carts and other specialty vehicles (including scooters, mules, and quad vehicles) in use on Modway Home Delivery property to move people and materials around the facility require specific precautions:
- Vehicles must travel at an acceptable speed, slowing down in wet or slippery conditions.
- Vehicles must yield to pedestrians.
- Vehicles must keep to designated paths and roadways, staying off major streets. Carts may not block traffic paths where parked.
- Vehicles may not carry more passengers than the cart is designed to accommodate. If the vehicle is equipped with seat belts, they must be used.
- All passengers must keep hands, feet and other body parts inside the vehicle.
- The driver must be aware of surroundings, paying attention to driving signs and warnings, even if they are directed at autos and listening for warnings like emergency vehicle sirens, children playing or other vehicles.
- Adhere to all applicable traffic laws.